
C Programming language || Code with Abuzar




C Programming is a Computer language  median which be define our expression to the others , a language which is understand by compiler is called computer language .

Computer language understand the Machine level language and Binary language..


There are two types of computer language 

  • High level language 
  • Machine level language 


Are depended language and if we want to work in this language we have proper internal knowledge of the computer .


Are machine independent language and there is no need of the internal knowledge of the computer .

         COMPILER :

Compiler is  a program which is convert high level into machine level language and it compile a whole programmed and it's speed is very high ..


C language is a programming language which is  introduced by Denis Ritchie in 1972 this language comes from B language which also comes  from BCPL language . 

    It is become of the most widely used programming Language with C compilers from various vendors available for the majority of existing computer  architecture and operating systems.  C has been standardized by the ANSI since 1989 (ANSI C) and by the international  Organization for standrilization (ISO). As of September 2020, C is the most popular programming language.

There are some characteristic of C language 

  •  It was first generally purpose programming language. 
  •  It is a middle level language .
  •  It is rich in set if operators .
  •  It is portable language .
  •  case sensitive language. 
  •  It contain a less number of keyword .
  •  It contain a rigid format .
  •  It is structured Programming language .


  • Keywords
  •  Identifier 
  •  Variable
  •  Constant 
  •  Operators 


Keywords are pre-define words in programming language  which understand by compiler and it's meaning store in compiler . It is 32 in bits..

       IDENTFIER :

It is a user define name which are given to the user define data like variables function array .

(There are some rules of identifier)
  •     First char of the name must be Later 
  •     First char of the later may not be a number 
  •     No special symbols are allowed use of under may be allowed 
  •    Space are not allowed 

Variable are the identifier with some value . they only contain one value at a time during they. exclusion of the program. which can be change data type associated with each others variables.

   Ex : Identifier 

               int = a (variables)

                a = 2 (variables with some value)

       CONSTANT  :

Constant are the value which are not change during the equation of the programmed that means fixed number which can not change .

Please! write comment if you find anything incorrect .

This article is contributed by Mohd Abuzar . if  you like code with abuzar and would like to contribute you can also write an article or mail at .


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