
What is HTML ?



HTML (Hyper text markup language ) is was Developed by WHATWG . The main purpose of making this language is displaying document designed in a web browser . It can be assist but technologies such as cascading spreadsheet(CSS) and scripting language such as java script . 

Web browser received HTML document from the web server from a local storage and render the documents into multimedia web pages semantically and originally include cuisse for the appear  of the documents.

to make your own website or become a web developer  html is just like a structure and CSS give us design how our website look that and how menu bar etc. 

So this is the only mainly use to this language otherwise you can not use this language for another purpose .


 HTML is a markup language to a great extent utilized for creating web pages and web applications. HTML, when conjunctive with JavaScript and CSS, has turn a milestone for web development.

One of the helpful aspects of HTML is, it can embed programs written in a scripting language like JavaScript, which is answerable for affecting the behaviour and content of web pages. CSS inclusion would impact the layout and appearance of the content.

The basic building blocks of any HTML pages are HTML elements. A structured document can be make over with the assist of structural-semantic text like heading, paragraph, list, link, and other items.

  1. Web document Creation. 
  1. Internet navigation. 
  1. Cutting edge feature. 
  1. Responsive images on web pages. 
  1. Client-side storage. 
  1. Offline capabilities usage. 
  1. Data Entry support with HTML.
  1. Game development usage.
  1. Native APIs usage to enrich a website.

With HTML5, a developer has a lot of expected cracking tools and APIs in their arsenal, which can make its modern-day technologies lag behind. Usage in HTML is wide-spread and has become more worldly than ever before. It’s the developer’s knowledge to put applications of HTML concept in real-time usage.

 Every Programmer used the HTML so the main purpose is creating front-end page website, design, etc. html is like a structure but when you make your code more creative so you can use CSS and JavaScript.

Please!  write comment if you find anything incorrect .

This article is contributed by Mohd Abuzar . if  you like code with Abuzar and would like to contribute you can also write an article or mail at .

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