
C++ protected member function - code with abuzar

 In this tutorial i will tell about the protected member in C++

Protected Member in C++

When preceding the name of a base class , the protected keyword specifies that the public and protected member of the base class are protected members of its derived classes .

Protected member are not as private member member which are accessible to only to member of the class in which they are declared , but they are not as a public member , which are accessible by any function .

Protected member are also declared at static are accessible to any friend or member function of a derived class .


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Box {
      double width;
 // SmallBox is the derived class.
class SmallBox:Box { 
  void setSmallWidthdouble wid );
  double getSmallWidthvoid );
// Member functions of child class
double SmallBox::getSmallWidth(void)
  return width ;
void SmallBox::setSmallWidth(double wid)
   width = wid;
// Main function for the program
int main() {
   SmallBox box;
// set box width using member function
 cout <<"Width of box :"
   return 0;

Code is compiled and executed than the result is .

Width of box : 5

Please! Write comment if you find anything incorrect .

This article is contributed by Mohd Abuzar if  you like code with abuzar and would like to contribute you can also write an article or mail at .

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