
Encapsulation in C++ - Code with abuzar


In this we will learn about Encapsulation in C++


Encapsulation in C++

Encapsulation is a method that is used in object oriented programming . Encapsulation is

 defined as wrapping of data and function in single unit is known as encapsulation .

For real based example


   Consider a real life example of encapsulation in C++ , in a company there are different

 type of section like sales section , account section and manufacture section similarly the

 sales section handle all the sales related activities and hold all the record . account section

 handle the accounts of the company and manufacture handle when product is is

 manufactured . Now there may arise a situation when for some reason and official from

 manufacture section needs all the data about sales section in a particular month . In this

 case , he is not allowed to direct access the data of sales section . He will have to contact

 first for the some official officers from the sales section and request him to give the

 particular data  . Encapsulation is used in this process .

Encapsulation is also used for data hiding . In this above example data of any section like ,

 sales , account , manufacture hidden form any other section .

Example of Encapsulation

Using namespace std ;

Class encapsulation{
    Private :

// data hidden from outside the world !
     Int x ; 
Public :
Void setint x  ){
x = a ;
Int get ()
Return x ;
Int main( ){
// Object Created 
Encapsulation obj ;
Cout <<obj.get();
Return 0 ;



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This article is contributed by Mohd Abuzar . If you like code with abuzar or want to contribute with us so mail at - 




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