
Inline Function in C++ - Code with abuzar

         Inline Function

One of the objective of using function in a program is to save memory spaces , which become appreciable when a function is likely to be called many times . However , every time a function is called . it takes a lot of time to take executing a series of instruction of task such as jumping to the functions , saving register , pushing argument to the stack , and returning to the calling function . One solution is used to this program is to use macro definitions , popularly known as  macros . preprocessor macros are popular in C .

C++ has a different solution to this problem . to eliminate the cost of call to small functions in C++ proposes a new features called a inline function . A inline function is a function that is expended in a line when it is invoked . This is ,  compiler replace the function call with the corresponding function code ( something similar to macros expansion )

The Inline function is define as follows .

Inline functionheader


Function body




Using namespace std ;

Inline float mul ( float x , float y )


Return (x*y) ;


Inline double div ( double p , double p ) 


Return ( p/q)


Int main ( )


Float a = 12.345

Float b = 9.82

Cout <<mul ( a , b ) <<”\n”;

Cout << div ( a ,b ) << \n”; 

Return 0 ;



121 . 228



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This article is contributed by Mohd Abuzar . if  you like code with abuzar and would like to

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