
Turtle game Project In Python

 Through this article we are learning about the turtle game project 

In this article I will show you how to create a game in Python by using the Graphics, so first of all we are telling that graphics work like creating or designing anything. If you want to learn graphics in Python so first of all you will learn the python graphics.

Here, we are creating a Turtle game in Python by using Graphics.

Example :

import random
import turtle

# function to check whether turtle
# is in Screen or not
def isInScreen(winturt):
    # getting the end points of turtle screen
    leftBound = -win.window_width() / 2
    rightBound = win.window_width() / 2
    topBound = win.window_height() / 2
    bottomBound = -win.window_height() / 2

    # getting the cuurent position of the turtle
    turtleX = turt.xcor()
    turtleY = turt.ycor()

    # variable to store whether in screen or not
    stillIn = True

    # condition to check whether in screen or not
  if turtleX > rightBound or turtleX <leftBound:
    stillIn = False
  if turtleY > topBound or turtleY <bottomBound:
     stillIn = False

   # returning the result
 return stillIn

# function to check whether both turtle have
# different position or not
def sameposition(RedBlue):
    if Red.pos() == Blue.pos():
        return False
        return True

# main function
def main():

    # screen initialization for turtle
    wn = turtle.Screen()

    # Turtle Red initialization
    # instantiate a new turtle object
    # called 'Red'
    Red = turtle.Turtle()
    # set pencolor as red
    # set pensize as 5
    # set turtleshape as turtle
    pos = Red.pos()

    # Turtle Blue initialization
    # instantiate a new turtle object
    # called 'Blue'
    Blue = turtle.Turtle()
    # set pencolor as blue
    # set pensize as 5
    # set turtleshape as turtle
    # make the turtle invisible
    # don't draw when turtle moves
    # move the turtle to a location 50
    # units away from Red
    # make the turtle visible
    # draw when the turtle moves

    # variable to store whether turtles
    # are in screen or not
    mT = True
    jT = True

    # loop for the game
    while mT and jT and sameposition(RedBlue):

        # coin flip for Red
        coinRed = random.randrange(02)

        # angle for Red
        # random.randrange(0, 180)
        angleRed = 90

        # condition for left or right
        # based on coin
        if coinRed == 0:

        # coin flip for Blue
        coinBlue = random.randrange(02)

        # angle for Blue
        # random.randrange(0, 180)
        angleBlue = 90

        # condition for left or right based
        # on coin
        if coinBlue == 0:

        # draw for Red

        # draw for Blue

        # cheking whether turtles are in the
        # screen or not
        mT = isInScreen(wnBlue)
        jT = isInScreen(wnRed)

    # set pencolor for Blue and Red as black

    # condition check for draw or win
    if jT == True and mT == False:
        # writing results
        Red.write("Red Won"Truealign="center",
    elif mT == True and jT == False:
        # writing results
        Blue.write("Blue Won"Truealign="center",
        # writing results

    # exit on close

# Calling main function

 When the above code is compiled and the run It then the answer is like that : 

Output :

Or also you can download the code here, If you like the so please Drop a Comment or If you want to More project please Visit again.


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This article is contributed by Mohd Abuzar. If you want to like Code with abuzar or Want to contribute with us so please contact us. 

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