
C++ Private member function - code with abuzar

 In this tutorial i will show you how public member function work in C++

Private  Member 

In a class private member function is also a class function which can access only within a class . It's not accessed by outside the class private member can use the data hiding in OOPS concept .

Private member hides your personal information which is not relevant for the user it shows only relevant data to the user .


using namespace std ;
 class student
 int rn
 float fees
 void read()
 void show(){ 
 cout<<"\n Rollno = "<<rn
 cout<<"\n Fees = "<<fees
     void main ( ){ 
     clrscr ( ); 
     student st
// not accessible 
    // ( ); ( ); 


Roll no = 12 

Fees = 145.10006

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This article is contributed by Mohd Abuzar if  you like code with abuzar and would like to contribute you can also write an article or mail at .

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